There is very little more soothing than watching the clouds drift by on a sunny day.
Yesterday afternoon, I was lucky enough to get off work at 4pm and rush home to pull my lounge chair out of the garage and set it up on my patio between the carport and garage. This is the one flat-ish spot I have to place it in the late day sun.
I went inside and changed into sunbathing attire, grabbed a book, my cell phone, a pair of sunglasses and some water. Smiling, I propped up the back of the chair and cracked open my book. It took less than a second to realize that I wouldn't be reading. The book went to my side. The back of the chair went flat, and I closed my eyes and took a nap.
When I woke up, the sun was playing peek-a-boo with me behind thin white clouds that crisscrossed each other in the sky. They were fluffy and full of promise. There was a light breeze that belied the 80+ degree temperature, and I did nothing but enjoy it.
When the clouds turned grey, then charcoal, I took my things inside, re-folded the chair and put it back into the garage. I came into the house warmed from the sun, feeling refreshed from the vitamin D, the fresh air and the snooze.
It was a lovely way to start the weekend. Looking forward to continuing springtime wonders reminding me why I love this season so much.
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