April 6, 2014

Light(e)ning the load

Last Wednesday night heat lightning filled the sky.

The rain was coming down in a drizzle with the occasional group of large drops making me shorten the timing of my intermittent windsheild wipers.

The sky lit up in the distance. There was no thunder, just light. A single flash from the wall of clouds like an amorphous polka dot to the northwest.

I've always loved heat lightning. I know it is dangerous, as is all lightning. I just think it's pretty. And fascinating.

The best heat lightning is at night, when it really shows off. One night in 1993 I remember pulling over on my way home to sit on the hood of my car and watch the lightning shoot rays of light across the sky in the distance.  Not my most brilliant move, but I figured, if I got hit by some, at least the car was sitting on rubber tired and I'd be okay. Stupid teenage brain. Not to be counted on for brilliance when it comes to risk taking.

Heat lightning also tells me that spring is really here. Summer is hot on its tail, and I do mean hot. Heat lightning is often accompanied by oppressive humidity. Welcome to the leap from dead winter straight into summer. Spring is in there somewhere.

In the meantime, I will enjoy the light show.

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