April 3, 2014

Petal to the...

Spring has sprung!

I know, I know, you already realize I can wax poetic about the bloom of flowers, the gentle, bright blush of green that springs forth each, well, spring.

The early magnolias were the first to break through their chilled branches. The crocuses came and went. The daffodils are unfurling their butter yellow and white and orange-hued petals. The single and double headed daffodils in my yard taunt me with their ability to stay outside when I must go to work...or anywhere inside.

The blue fritillaria I planted in all the wrong places are coming up around my water meter, where I inexplicably put them in 2006. Thankfully, they are also blooming where the other flowers will be...near the house and near the street, like a picture frame around the yard, or asymmetrical stripes of flora.

Over the weekend, I noticed peony stems nearly a foot tall, reaching their tender baby leaves towards the sun and clouds. I can only hope that their pink and white blossoms survive this month and any potential frosts we see. When they do, they will play host to a parade of ants, drawn by their perfume, their sweetness, their never ending cushion of layer upon layer.

The daylilies are expanding at a faster rate than I can theoretically divide them or give them away. The irises are showing off, coming up in new places and giving telltale signs of which group of green spears will yield blossoms beyond my wildest dreams. Edged in blues and browns and yellows, whites, purples, burgundies and pinks. Frothy petals brimming over with seductive innuendo.

The hyacinths from my birthday two weeks ago are opening one bud at a time. They fill my outdoor seating area with the fragrance of hope, of winds of change, of clean air and sunshine, of shaking off the dust and stagnation of winter.

I can't wait to see what happens next!

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