April 19, 2014

Back to our regularly scheduled programming

The past few days I've been off my game.

My schedule has been insane. There were two seders: one late, the other later. Working 1/2 of one of my two precious days off. Considering working 1/2 of my second, and reconsidering.

Worst of all, I was kind of mean to my mom. She got over it, and so did I, but I can't shake the feeling that there was more going on than just being in a bad mood or still being in work mode when I saw her, or being hungry or merely slipping into bad teenage habits. I've come to the conclusion that it was the matzo balls.

I know, I know. How could a matzo ball be a problem? Well, let's start with the fact that it was made with matzah. Wheat flour and water. Water's no big deal; I drink that all day long, and often in the middle of the night.

The flour is the culprit. I'm almost positive. Having been gluten free for nearly a year, I have noticed that I have chilled out. I mean, I'm still fairly tightly wound when it comes to certain topics, but I don't get frustrated as easily. I don't get pissy. I go with the flow more easily. I think that also has to do with getting more sleep, too, but this week was markedly different.

I said things before thinking about them, or their consequences. I was pointed and sharp when I am usually a good bit softer. I was short. I mean, physically I will always be short, but verbally, this was out of character.

I'm back on the gluten free bandwagon. I'm being good to myself so that I can be better to others. Next year I'm picking up some of that gluten free matzah meal...or making a different kind of soup for seder.

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