March 31, 2014

Dad(dy oh!)

Today is Dad's birthday.

He taught me that reading is something to be done constantly, that building relationships builds friendships as well as business, and that the stock market is not something to fear. He taught me that you have to respect your elders, even if they are horribly unkind. He taught me that poetry is beautiful and to be memorized and recited.

He taught me to listen carefully, observe closely and think of arguments from every perspective. He taught me to speak my mind, as long as I'm comfortable with the consequences of doing so. He taught me to bring life plants to someone who is sick (cut flowers are fleeting...something living means that you trust in the ongoing health of the person to enjoy it longer than a week).

He taught me to throwing me back and forth in the pool then intentionally dropping me and not helping me stay afloat. I still love to swim. He taught me to shoot...well, brought me to the pistol range and had someone else teach me, since the way he holds a pistol hasn't been used since dueling days.

He taught me to think for myself and be independent. He respects my privacy, even though I tend to overshare with him about my life and needs for his help and advice. He believes in me and is proud of my skills and abilities. He trusts that I am capable of doing whatever I set my my to do, and has seen me accomplish more than I anticipated again and again.

He taught me to play devil's advocate and debate him with all my passion and heart. He taught me to be an active part of my community, to engage in the political process, to embrace public servants, and to deal with people fairly. He taught me that if I am in Washington, DC, I should be able to meet with my elected representatives or their staff.

He taught me to laugh, to drive (by doing the opposite of him), and to speak up (since he doesn't always hear me the first time).

Looking forward to many more years of Dad's lessons, and sarcasm.

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