March 12, 2014

Work it out

I come from a family of people who live until they are really, really old. Odds are, I will too.

Theoretically, that means I have the luxury of wasting some of that precious commodity. Is that even possible when you juggle three jobs over a minimum of 46 hours per week that span schedules that range from 7am-10:30pm?

I'd like to think that I'm a laid back person, and if you took my blood pressure, you'd find out it's pretty darn low (last doc visit it was 98/64...and yes, I was conscious). I don't rattle easily. I think through problems and look for solutions.

These days, I make lists. I've mentioned those before. Lately, I've been making lists at work, too. It helps with prioritizing more than remembering what I need to accomplish on any given day or week.

Since my work lists are generally written on a computer, I go with the stepped dot method. I find dots less intimidating than Roman numerals and a little easier to manage than alphabetical order. Breaking down tasks into manageable parts in a simple format, rather than a flow-chart, allows me to use my non-linear brain to the best of its ability.

I haven't always been this way. I used to want to do everything at once. Or I would focus on one thing until everyone else left the room out of boredom. These days, I try to stay more connected to the here and now, rather than putting everything towards the future. That said, I always have the big picture, the future goals in mind.

I like to make a plan and check everything off my list. I'm also not going to sweat an incomplete list. There's always more work to be done tomorrow. I want to make sure today's work is done well.

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