January 31, 2012

Health (S)Care(d)

Tomorrow my health insurance ends. That would probably explain why I haven't sleep much lately.

My coverage was through my previous employer, and because of the small staff, COBRA coverage wasn't possible. At most, I could pay $500/month for up to three months of continuing coverage under their plan. My new employer helped me with nearly half the cost of the coverage, and I am very, very grateful for that. He has been trying for the past few months to find a way to cover me. Unfortunately, that hasn't come to fruition yet.

I looked into individual coverage, but was told by insurance agents that I would either not qualify for coverage due to pre-existing conditions, or that if I did qualify, I would have to pay the highest premiums...and that my pre-existing conditions would not be covered for the first year under the plan.

My attempts to get a continuing emergency plan through my current insurance company has led to a labyrinth of phone calls leading to broken promises and zero information. The call today let me know that the office that may be able to help me closes at 5pm, but the client services representative couldn't tell me what time the office OPENS! Really?! Thanks.

There is a fantastic state run plan that would fit my needs to a tea, but it's full, and there's a waiting list. The other state run plan is open, but I have to be uninsured for three months AND denied coverage in order to qualify.

The federal program I would qualify for necessitates being both denied coverage and being uninsured for six months.

I am trying to keep a level head about the whole thing, but it is entirely frustrating and is likely to result in divulging my very long medical history to complete strangers in order to get minimum assistance paying for things like keeping my asthma under control, having follow-up mammograms, and dealing with the variety of  ailments I'm bound to pick up along the way.

Are there other options? A third job, part time, with benefits? Marriage? All proposals will be seriously considered.

I'd love to think that I've got an immune system of steel, but I just wasn't built that way. I need health insurance, and I'm scared.

January 14, 2012

My Grandma, My Hero

Sometimes you inspire your family, and sometimes they inspire you. Tonight, my grandma took it to the next level. 

Grandma May 2010
During a last minute dinner on the town tonight, Grandma told me about her triumph at her assisted living facility. (By facility, I mean a pricey one bedroom apartment, two meals each day, activities and outings, cleaning service, and a driver who will take you to the doctor or shopping, depending on the day.)

Over the winter holidays, the executive chef overspent his budget and as a result, cut all of the favorite, daily options for residents: tuna salad, chicken salad, egg salad, and chocolate ice cream. Anyone who has spent any time with the over 80 set knows that this is a complete travesty. One would’ve been bad; all four is an apocalyptic event.

Grandma, not one to sit by idly, took matters into her own hands. Of course, I coached her a bit when she first started complaining about the food, I mentioned that if she gave specifics of what she’d like to see on the menu and on her plate rather than, “the food is terrible,” on the suggestion cards that she just might get it. Shortly thereafter, she formed a committee and began meeting monthly with the chef.

This time, Grandma started to organize. The first meeting she called, only two other residents attended. Before the meeting this week, she spoke with every resident beforehand and when the meeting started, only two people came again. And then…more and more kept coming. More, and more, and more, until there were people filling the room and lining up outside in the hallway!

My Grandma started a revolution over chocolate ice cream!!!

She was proud to report that all of the items were back on the menu. I’m just proud of Grandma.

January 2, 2012

Ready for the New Year

Well, 2011 was a roller coaster. I was in two short films about food deserts, presented a webinar for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, worked on a federally funded healthy corner store project, advised HBO on a documentary film, failed three times at love, got into and decided not to go to grad school, was part of the Food Justice Cohort at the Hazon Food Conference, got laid off from my food justice job, had a breast cancer scare (with requisite biopsies (one of which the anesthesia didn't work) on both breasts and subsequent infections on and in one of them) and a two-month fever from an infection on an internal organ, began acupuncture which has helped me deal with tremendous stress and has given me some fantastic hallucinations, got a new job, and am looking forward to a wonderful new year.

Wishing all of you a happy, healthy, prosperous and calm 2012.

The garden I tend at my synagogue...in October!