February 27, 2014

Mom genes (continued)

Much of the dinner I had with Mom on Tuesday had to do with Grandma. She's turning 95 on March 6th, and we're throwing her a party.

The Chicago and Atlanta contingents of the family are coming into town for it, and all of us cousins cannot wait to see each other. Friday night will be at Sister's house, where all the kids will fall all over each other with joy at being together again, and all us adult cousins will catch up on news of the family and whatnot.

Birthday brunch will be Saturday, where Grandma will be the guest of honor, and thankfully, it will be where she lives. She will then be able to take a nap without feeling guilty, and have her friends included without having to worry about how they would travel to another venue. The plans for this have been in the works for months. Last week when I asked what she'd like for her birthday, she said, "I just want everyone to be together."

Saturday afternoon it looks like we'll have a pool party at the out-of-towners' hotel, which sounds like heaven! I cannot imagine anything better than playing tag with the kiddos, that will rival snuggling Thanksgiving weekend in adorableness.

I cannot wait to see my cousins. We don't have the chance to visit often enough, living in different cities.

I grew up hearing stories of my parents' families all living in the same cities, well, not all, but there were extended visits when they didn't. I've been lucky to meet many second cousins, and consider my Boston cousins my second family. They took me in for the holidays each year and always made me feel at home.

It's also nice to have a reason to celebrate with family for something other than a holiday. I'd say 95 is definitely something to celebrate. Happy almost birthday, Grandma!

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