May 11, 2014

What a mother!

Today is Mother's Day.

I love my mom. Most of the time. I'm sure she feels the same way about me.

She has taught me to write thank you notes, appreciate fine paper and clothing and art, and signed me up for my first cooking class at age seven.

She encouraged my love of the arts by taking me to ballet and opera performances before I entered kindergarten. She pushed me academically, and advocated for more challenging classes so I wouldn't be bored in school.

She made sure I was warm my first year in Boston by sending me at least half of the LL Bean catalog during that record-breaking snowfall year (95"). She sent me my favorite cake for birthdays every year I was in Boston (lemon pound cake from Ham'n'Goodies).

She took care of me when I was really sick. She brings me the olive oil I like from Knoxville. She was my traveling companion in Isle of Palms, Italy, Paris and Israel.

She took me on a four day tour of colleges in Ohio. She bragged on me to her friends and customers, and regaled them with stories of my exploits near and far.

She is kind and sensitive and I am grateful that she chose to have that third kid so long ago. While we drive each other nuts, we're still family, and I do love my mom.

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