January 2, 2012

Ready for the New Year

Well, 2011 was a roller coaster. I was in two short films about food deserts, presented a webinar for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, worked on a federally funded healthy corner store project, advised HBO on a documentary film, failed three times at love, got into and decided not to go to grad school, was part of the Food Justice Cohort at the Hazon Food Conference, got laid off from my food justice job, had a breast cancer scare (with requisite biopsies (one of which the anesthesia didn't work) on both breasts and subsequent infections on and in one of them) and a two-month fever from an infection on an internal organ, began acupuncture which has helped me deal with tremendous stress and has given me some fantastic hallucinations, got a new job, and am looking forward to a wonderful new year.

Wishing all of you a happy, healthy, prosperous and calm 2012.

The garden I tend at my synagogue...in October!


  1. You are absolutely AMAZING Miriam! I am so proud to know you, and you are such an inspiration. We need to hang out more often, not just run into each other at Target (although seeing you with your grandmother was a total hoot!).

  2. You are an inspiration Miriam! You are so strong and I know that you will get through whatever comes your way. I am always here for you! Here is to a new year! Love you friend! Michelle

  3. Thanks, Ladies!!! I definitely need more of both of you in my life.

    Stephanie, I see your creations and you make me want to make things!

    Michelle, you go after everything you want with unwavering determination and encourage me to do the same!

    Thanks for being part of my life.
